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Published On: 18 September 20230.7 min read124 words

Ethical Farming

Through our South African supply partners we are involved in formal profit sharing (we donate 3% of our kanna purchases to the !Kai Korana Community) arrangements with the Khoikhoi, the traditional custodians of Sceletium knowledge, in particular the !Kai Korana Community.

Although certified organic kanna is not currently available for commercial purchase, all the kanna we acquire is cultivated without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or any other conventional farming methods that could compromise the quality of our extracts.

Kanna, being a succulent adapted to thrive in desert environments, demands significantly fewer resources compared to other commercial crops, leading to a substantially reduced carbon footprint.

Throughout the cultivation process, our growers adhere to rigorous protocols designed to minimize waste and preserve precious natural resources.

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