• Curious what the MX means in UltraKanna’s product line? It’s simpler than you think. It’s based on the amount of Mesembrine in each product. What exactly is Mesembrine? Mesembrine, is one of the active alkaloids in Kanna products. Known for its remarkable mood-enhancing and ...Read more

  • Exploring the wide variety of options for when UltraKanna can help in you day The Kanna plant (Sceletium tortuosum) has been revered for centuries for its potent effects on mood and mental well-being. Traditionally used by the indigenous Khoisan people of South Africa, Kanna ...Read more

  • How to understand the difference around kanna and choose the right one for you. When it comes to Kanna, the choice between high-quality extracts and low-grade dried plant material is often a big question from customers. The difference can significantly impact your experience and ...Read more

  • In recent years, Kanna, the remarkable succulent plant from Southern Africa, has garnered attention for its potential to enhance mood, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. As interest in Kanna grows, so does the availability of products claiming to contain this natural wonder. ...Read more

  • Absolutely! First things first, what exactly is Kanna? Well, Kanna, also known as Sceletium tortuosum, is a succulent plant native to South Africa. For centuries, indigenous peoples of the region have used it for its mood-enhancing effects, and its popularity has recently spread to ...Read more

  • A Journey into the Benefits of the Kanna plant In the realm of natural remedies & plant-based solutions, the Kanna plant stands out as a unique and intriguing option. Known for its mood-enhancing and stress-relieving properties, Kanna (Sceletium Tortuosum) has been used for centuries ...Read more

  • How Kanna can Help with Long-Lasting Intimacy Top Tips to Improve Intimacy Naturally. Life can feel pretty fast-paced these days. Trying to find time for yourself, let alone time for each other AND taking time in the bedroom can feel near to impossible. Slowing down ...Read more

  • Most of us are familiar, either from personal experience or the grapevine, with party drugs. Synthetic drugs like MDMA are known for their euphoric effects, whether used in a controlled space for therapeutic purposes or for straight rolling at a music festival—we aren’t condoning ...Read more

  • This article appeared on the US National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health website. Abstract Sceletium tortuosum (L.) N.E.Br. (Mesembryanthemaceae), commonly known as kanna or kougoed, is an effective indigenous medicinal plant in South Africa, specifically to the native San and Khoikhoi ...Read more

  • Written by Cort Honey KannaCalm is a brand new supplement based around an alkaloid extract of the Sceletium tortuosum, or Kanna, plant. The plant contains three main psychoactive alkaloids; Mesembrine, Mesembrenone, and delta Mesembrenone. While these alkaloids are psychoactive, they are NOT hallucinogenic. Each ...Read more

  • Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) is a plant that’s been used in South Africa for hundreds of years. It contains substances (e.g. Mesembrine and Mesembrenone) which offer depressant and anxiolytic effects. The drug also seems to enhance the effects of cannabis, particularly its euphoria.

  • Also known as, “Sceletium Tortuosum“ in botany, Kanna is one of the most commonly used traditional herbs that work wonders for mind-alteration. Its impact on the evolution of human consciousness is profound. Since it is naturally available, consumers conveniently enjoy its mood boosting and anxiety-reducing effects.

  • Conveniently enough, some of the most notorious stress relief ingredients are derived from all-natural herbs and other plants which are known to have minimal (if any) side effects. One of the most underrated of these herbs is known as Sceletium tortuosum, or simply Kanna. Let’s take a look at what this ingredient can bring to the table for those coping with stress.

  • For thousands of years, the Khoikhoi and San people of South Africa harvested this herb for its effects on the mind and body. Traditional practitioners claim that it’s a safe painkiller and appetite suppressant, but what does the science say? Read on to find out.

  • There are few studies of effects of Sceletium tortuosum in human subjects. In an interesting fMRI study, acute administration of 25 mg of Zembrin, a proprietary preparation of Sceletium tortuosum, attenuated reactivity to fearful faces in the amygdala. Follow-up connectivity analysis on the emotion-matching task further showed that amygdala-hypothalamus coupling was also reduced. Those results were interpreted as reflecting an anxiolytic dampening of activity in threat circuitry of the human brain

  • The world around us is hectic as all hell. This chaos comes in many forms; societal, professional, what you consume, the list is endless! Luckily, there are a ton of great minds looking for ways to deal with this stress. One such thing that ...Read more

  • Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) is a succulent plant native to South Africa. Kanna is also often referred to as channa. A medicine made from kanna called Zembrin is also available. Kanna is used in traditional medicine as a treatment for both stress and depression, which suggests that it contains phytochemicals that affect the central nervous system. A fermented form of kanna called kougoed is also produced and used medicinally for this reason.

  • Scelectium tortuosum has been traditionally used to manage anxiety and depression, as well as to enhance mood, cognitive activity, and memory. However, clinical trials supporting these uses are lacking.

  • Like other chronic and seemingly intractable illnesses, the incidence of depression is reaching epidemic levels. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and an estimated 350 million people of all ages suffer from depression. It’s ...Read more

  • For thousands of years, the Khoikhoi and San people of South Africa harvested this herb for its effects on the mind and body. It’s a powerful antidepressant with few side effects, and you can grow it in your living room. Read on to find ...Read more

  • “We elect Sceletium tortuous, also known as Kanna, as the herb of the year - not only for its heart-opening qualities but myriad other benefits." Sceletium is one of the most usable herbs for mental and emotional wellness. It has wide and profoundly efficacious ...Read more

  • Kannaland The succulent herb kanna is indigenous to South-Africa. Before colonization this area was inhabited by two tribes: the Khoikhoi (formerly known as Hottentots) and the San (formerly known as Bushmen). Both were hunter-gatherers, but over time the Khoikhoi turned towards pastoralism. Gericke and ...Read more

  • Do you always feel tired, stressed out, or anxious from the hustle and bussle of everyday life? Overbearing boss at work have you sweating at your company meetings? Rather than turning to a shrink for some prescription drugs, why not take a walk on ...Read more

  • Among the many thousands of plants used medicinally around the world, about a hundred or so are mind and mood-modifying. Now, a plant from South Africa has made its way to North America, and it too promises significant mind enhancing effects. Sceletium tortuosum, known ...Read more